Reading & Writing Fill In the Blanks
1. While it’s no wonder that dogs are 1. .............. (boring, popular, danger, laziness) as man’s best friends, little is known about the origins of this friendship. It is presumed that dogs were one of the first animals to be 2. ............... (encounter, ridicule, safe, domesticated) by humans. One notable effect of this long relationship with humans is that unlike other canine species, dogs can 3. .............. (master, flourish, worried, prejudice) on a carbohydrate-rich diet. Historically, dogs have been helping us in many ways, but recently they are also assisting people with disabilities and 4. ............ (aiding, mercurial, tremendous, carnivore) in therapy. Patients who were administered dog therapy demonstrated decreased stress, increased happiness, and 5. .............. (jostle, kind, improved, neighbourly) energy levels.
Re-Order Paragraph
1 To face the growth of trade it was deemed necessary to remedy this lack of adequate currency.
2 In most countries, it is only the government, through their central banks, who are permitted to issue currency.
3 The first Scottish bank to do this was the Bank of Scotland.
4 But in Scotland, three banks are still allowed to issue banknotes.
5 When this bank was founded in 1695, Scots coinage was in short supply and of uncertain value, compared with English, Dutch, Flemish or French coin.
Ans: 2^4^3^5^1
Everyone knows that bees are busy. There is even a saying in English that one can be "as busy as a blank~1". However, little is known about how bees play. Scientists have blank~2 one way that bees could relax after a busy day making honey - they play with balls. The scientists are from Queen Mary University of London. They did different tests on bees "playing" with different things. The insects particularly liked playing with small, wooden balls. The researchers said the way bees blank~3 was a little like how humans play. Younger bees blank~4 more balls than older bees, while adult males spent longer playing with balls than adult females. The ball-rolling bees are the first known insects to "play".
The researchers blank~5 on 45 bumblebees in a specially designed test area. The bees were given two options. The first choice was to fly or walk directly to get a sugary treat. The second choice was to get to the treat by going around different coloured wooden balls. Most of the bees blank~6 to play with the balls and then get their treat. A researcher said the experiments showed that bees are more thoughtful than people blank~7. She said: "Bees are a million miles from the mindless, unfeeling creatures they are traditionally believed to be." She added that: "This research provides a strong indication that insect minds are far more sophisticated than we might blank~8."
Bee discovered played rolled experimented decided believed imagine refused think found belief
Reading MCQ(multi)
1. There are adaptations that increase the amount of forward thrust as well as those that reduce drag. Again, these fishes are the envy of engineers. Their high, narrow tails with swept-back tips are almost perfectly adapted to provide propulsion with the least possible effort. Perhaps most important of all to these and other fast swimmers is their ability to sense and make use of swirls and eddies (circular currents) in the water. They can glide past eddies that would slow them down and then gain extra thrust by "pushing off" the eddies. Scientists and engineers are beginning to study this ability of fishes in the hope of designing more efficient propulsion systems for ships.
According to the passage, one of the adaptations of fast-swimming fishes that might be used to improve the performance of ships is these fishes' ability to
A) swim directly through eddies
B) make efficient use of water currents
C) cover great distances without stopping
D) gain speed by pushing off the swirls
Reading MCQ (Single)
1. Even as the number of females processed through juvenile courts climbs steadily, an implicit consensus remains among scholars in criminal justice that male adolescents define the delinquency problem in the United States. We suggest two reasons why this view persists. First, female adolescents are accused primarily of victimless crimes, such as truancy, that do not involve clear-cut damage to persons or property. If committed by adults, these actions are not even considered prosecutable; if committed by juvenile males, they have traditionally been looked on leniently by the courts. Thus, ironically, the plight of female delinquents receives little scrutiny because they are accused of committing relatively minor offenses. Second, the courts have long justified so-called preventive intervention into the lives of young females viewed as antisocial with the rationale that women are especially vulnerable. Traditional stereotypes of women as the weaker and more dependent sex have led to earlier intervention and longer periods of misdirected supervision for female delinquents than for males.
The passage suggests that scholars in criminal justice could be criticized for which of the following?
A) Underestimating the seriousness of juvenile crime
B) Rationalizing the distinction made between juveniles and adults in the legal system
C) Concerning themselves too little with the prevention of juvenile delinquency.
D) Focusing on those whose crimes have involved damage to persons or property
Ans: D