Listen to the lecture.
1. The word “marked" in the excerpt is closest in meaning to:
A. Considerable
B. surprising
C. limited
D. adequate
2. The lecture supports which of the following statements about painting in Europe?
A. It is much older than painting in Australia.
B. It is as much as 28,000 years old.
C. It is not as old as painting in southern Africa.
D. It is much more than 30,000 years old
3. According to the lecture, scholars explained chips in the painted figures of animals by proposing that:
A. Upper Paleolithic artists used marks to record the animals they had seen.
B. the paintings were inspired by the need to increase the supply of animal for hunting.
C. the artists had removed rough spots on the cave walls.
D. Upper Paleolithic people used the paintings to increase their luck at hunting.
4. Why does the lecture mention that Upper Paleolithic cave art seemed to have reached a peak toward the end of the Upper Paleolithic period, when the herds of game were decreasing’?
A. To argue that Upper Paleolithic art ceased to include animals when herds of game became scarce
B. To provide support for the idea that the aim of the paintings was to increase the supply of animals for hunting
C. To emphasize the continued improvement in the quality of cave art throughout the Upper Paleolithic period
D. To show the direct connection between the decrease in herds of game and the end of the Upper Paleolithic period
5. According to the lecture. which of the following may best represent the attitude of hunters toward deer and reindeer in the Upper Paleolithic period?
A. Hunters did not fear deer and reindeers as much as they did large game animals Such as horses and mammoths. ‘
B. Hunters were not interested in hunting deer and reindeer because of their size and speed.
C. Hunters preferred the meat and hides of deer and reindeer to those of other animals.
D. Hunters avoided deer and reindeer because of their natural weapons, such as horns.
6. According to the lecture, what change is evident in the art of the period following the Upper Paleolithic?
A. This new art starts to depict small animals rather than large ones.
B. This new art ceases to reflect the ways in which people obtained their food.
C. This new art no longer consists mostly of representations of animals.
D. This new art begins to show the importance of hunting to the economy.
Listen to the lecture.
1. Which one of the following ideas would a multiculturalist NOT believe?
A. That we should recognize and celebrate the differences among the many cultures in the United States.
B. That we can never know the ‘truth' because 'truth' is always shaped by one’s culture.
C. That different cultures should work to assimilate themselves into the mainstream culture so that eventually there will be no excuse for racism.
D. That a school curriculum should be constructed to compensate for institutionalized racism.
2. According to a hard-line multiculturalist, which one of the following groups is most likely to know the "truth' about political reality?
A. Educated people who have Teamed how to see reality from many different perspectives.
B. A minority group that has suffered oppression at the hands of the majority.
C. High government officials who have privileged access to secret information.
D. Minorities who through their education have risen above the socioeconomic position occupied by most members of their ethnic group.
3. If no new ethnic groups were incorporated into the American culture for many centuries to come which of the following would be the most probable outcome of the ‘kindlier version” of multiculturalism mentioned in the lecture? ’
A. At some point in the future, there would be only one culture with no observable ethnic differences.
B. Eventually the dominant culture would overwhelm the minority cultures. who would then lose their ethnic identities.
C. The multiplicity of ethnic groups would remain, but the characteristics of the ‘different ethnic groups would change.
D. The smaller ethnic groups would remain, and they would retain their ethnic heritage
4. Considering the subject of the lecture. which one of the following best describes what the lecturer means by “the politics of identity”?
A. The attempt to discover individual identities through political action
B. The political agenda that aspires to create a new pride of identity for Americans
C. The current obsession for therapy groups that help individuals discover their inner selves
D. The trend among minority students to discover their identities in their ethnic groups rather than in their individuality
5. Which one of the following best describes the attitude of the lecturer toward the multicultural movement?
A. Tolerant. It may have some faults. but it is well-meaning overall.
B. Critical. A formerly admirable movement has been taken over by radical intellectuals.
C. Disinterested. The lecturer seems to be presenting an objective report.
D. Enthusiastic. The lecturer embraces the multiculturalist movement and is trying to present it in a favorable light.
6. Multiculturalist relativism" is the notion that there is no such thing as impartial or objective knowledge. The author seems to be grounding his criticism of this notion on:
A. A the clear evidence that science has indeed discovered “truths” that have been independent of both language and culture.
B. the conclusion that relativism leaves one with no clear notions of any one thing that is true.
C. the absurdity of claiming that knowledge of oppression is more valid than knowledge of scientific facts.
D. the agreement among peoples of all cultures as to certain undeniable truths e.g., when the sky is clear, day is warmer than night.
Listen to the CONVERSATION
1. What is the purpose of this conversation?
A. To arrange a maintenance schedule
B. To ensure continued animal research
C. To assess the student's responsibility
D. To proffer an assistantship
2. What will Jane probably do next?
A. Go to another class.
B. Meet the current assistant.
C. Fill out some employment forms.
D. Start learning his new tasks.
3. How many species of primates will Jane be caring for?
A. two
B. our
C. ten
D. twelve
4. How does Dr. Beech characterize the assistantship?
A. Romantic
B. Time-consuming
C. Responsible
D. Well-paid
5. Why does Dr. Beech say this: ”They're all quite friendly—sometimes too friendly"?
A. He wants to warn Jane of some danger.
B. He wants to reassure Jane of his safety.
C. He wants to discourage Jane from befriending the animals.
D. He wants to encourage Jane to befriend the animals.
Listen to the conversation.
1. Which best describes the thrust of this conversation?
A. An effort to make a date
B. An exchange of examination data
C. An assessment of academic success
D. A revelation of childhood mishaps
2. Where does this conversation most likely take place?
A. ln the campus cafeteria
B. In a dormitory room
C. ln a classroom
D. In a fraternity house
3. Why does the young woman exclaim that math can be dangerous?
A. She might fail her Microeconomics course.
B. Numbers don't like her.
C. One of them was injured by a drafting instrument.
D.Neither of them is good at mathematics.
A. He thinks the young woman should prepare well.
B. He thinks the young woman has a lot of packing to do.
C. He doesn't want the young woman to miss the football game.
D. He is worried that the young woman studies too hard.
Q5 What will the young man most probably do next?
A. Go to the football game alone.
B. Ask another girl for a date.
C. Study for his last examination.
D. Go to his fraternity house.
Listen to the conversation.
1. What seems to be the student's main skill?
A. She speaks several languages.
B. She is good with her hands.
C. She has software training.
D. She loves computers.
2. What is the purpose of this discussion?
A. To acquaint the two speakers
B. To assign the student to a division
C. To advertise IT Solutions
D. To arrange a tour
3. What is IT Solutions working on in its industrial Systems Division?
A. Automotive systems
B. Microtechnology
C. Military hardware
D. Eco-solutions .
A. She is a little disappointed that she cannot work there now.
B. She is not sure how to describe her feelings.
C. She would rather work in the Industrial Systems Division.
D The idea of working on the next generation excites her.
5. What will the student probably do next?
A. Visit the University Records office.
B. Contact IT Solutions reception.
C. Make another appointment with Mr. Freeberg.
D. Attend a career expo.
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. A
6. C